Chaos Rings Wiki

Paradise Apples are items which can double the amount of EXP, OZ, or SP gained at the end of combat. Note that only one character needs to use an apple to give benefit to both.


Paradise Apple: Body will double the EXP earned at the conclusion of battle. The Body variant is red in all three games, though the name is shown as "Paradise Apple (Body)" in Chaos Rings and Chaos Rings Ω.


Paradise Apple: Wisdom will double the OZ earned at the conclusion of battle. The icon is green in Chaos Rings and Chaos Rings Ω, but the icon is gold in Chaos Rings II.


Paradise Apple: Skill will double the SP earned at the conclusion of battle. This variant was introduced with Chaos Rings 2 to join the new SP system of leveling Sopia Molds. The skill variant took the green icon, while Wisdom was moved to the gold icon.
